A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2012

Chapter 2012


Matching her quiet tone, Waylen offered a smile and leaned in to kiss her.

Rena, without any hesitation, met him halfway, the kiss deepening.

When they finally parted, she whispered, “I’m happy about your partnership with my uncle. Just ensure Cecilia remains comfortable with the situation.”

Wrapping Rena tightly in his embrace, Waylen pondered, “I wonder if you’re looking out for Cecilia or your uncle.”

Rena chuckled and made a feigned attempt to rise, hinting at a bath.

Angela’s Library

But Waylen’s grip on her hand halted her movement.

With a voice full of warmth and mischief, he urged, “Stay with me a little longer.”

Rena’s resistance melted.

Amidst their renewed intimacy, Waylen whispered playfully, “You always seem to know everything, Mrs. Fowler.”

The following day, Waylen headed to Mark’s office.

Waylen ended up bringing home to a deal that wasn’t in Mark’s favor at all.

After this, Peter spoke to Mark, his emotions aflame.

It wasn’t that Mark hesitated about the money.

Actually, he didn’t mind whether the money was with him or Waylen.

Yet, there’s this age-old tension between guys; always trying to one-up each other.

Waylen managed to swindle a hefty sum from Mark just over a few dinners. The more Mark thought about it, the angrier he became.

He found himself gloomy for days.

Cecilia noticed the change when she visited; Mark’s gaze seemed off Touching her face, she questioned, “Is there something on my face.

After a moment, Mark inquired, “Do you remember all of your childhood?”

She thought he was just in a weird mood.

Cecilia returned to her script, answering casually, “Every bit of it.”

Scratching his chin, Mark remarked, “Then how come your intelligence seems so different from his? It shouldn’t be this way.”

Cecilia wasn’t dense.

Recalling a conversation from the previous night, she put the pieces together.

